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About Me

About Me

15 years ago, Ethan took up photography as a hobby to capture images of his Japanese Koi. Intrigued by the practice of macrophotography, he purchased an adaptor to use on his iPhone 5 to capture images of individual snowflakes which lead him to where he is today. Today, he captures stunning and revolutionary images utilizing an innovative combination of a eleconverter and modified extension tubes.

Olympus E-M1 Mark III
Olympus MC-20 Teleconverter
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro Lens
Roynox 505/202/250 (adapted)

Ethan processes his photos by stacking many photos together and using software programs to combine them together into stunningly detailed images. These images can be found on his Etsy account, sand photos each sold as a unique 1of1 print that no one else will own, exclusive to the buyer.

Ethan works full time as an accountant for a large field drainage company that serves midwestern farms. Beyond his day job and photography work, he is a man of faith who loves to spend time with his wife and children.

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